• Report suspected criminal behavior immediately in compliance with your state/provincial/territorial law.

    • See Resources for legal requirements
    • Follow your organization’s policy for reporting to them
    • Make a report the U.S. Center for SafeSport Response and Resolution Office
  • Each jurisdiction specified certain people whose involvement with children requires they report abuse.  But no matter the law, law enforcement will take a report from anyone who suspects abuse.

  • When someone reports being victimized:

    • Assure them you will do what you can to help
    • Tell them they have done the right thing by reporting
    • Let them know the abuse was not their fault
  • Confront anyone you suspect may be abusing a child.

    • Report a concern to the appropriate authority in your state/province/territory.
  • Share a child’s report of abuse with anyone prior to notifying law enforcement.

    • Law enforcement or social services will make the appropriate notifications.
  • Make promises to someone who reports being victimized.

    • You can’t control the outcome or promise that everything will be okay.