Sparring Athletes Important Information Regarding Divisions

Due to the large number of single competitor sparring matches (matches where competitors do not have another individual in their rank, age, or weight division), we will be sending all single competitor divisions to specific rings each day. This will be shown in each competitor’s division number that is printed on their badges. Examples of some potential divisions are as follows:

All sparring competitors will have a division with the following format (IS-###F/S). Examples include (IS-101F, IS-201S, IS-301F, IS-401S).

The IS stands for “Individual Sparring” and shows that they registered for a sparring event. The first digit in the three digit code (101, 201, 301, etc) represents the ring they will compete in. Anyone with a number of 1## will be in ring 1, 2## will be in ring 2 and so on. At the end of the number, there will either be the letter F or S. This denotes which day they compete on (F=Friday // S=Saturday).

Exhibition Matches:

On Friday, all exhibition matches (single competitors) will be held in Ring 1. This means if someone’s badge number is IS-101F, IS-105F, IS-109F, and so on, they are a single competitor and will need to report to the holding area first thing in the morning to find a match.

On Saturday, all exhibition matches (single competitors) will be held in Rings 1 and 2. This means if someone’s badge number is IS-101S, IS-205S, IS-109S, IS-212S and so on, they are a single competitor and will need to report to the holding area first thing in the morning to find a match.

Any Friday competitor with a division where the first digit is a 1 (one) is a single competitor. Any Saturday competitor with a division where the first digit is a 1 (one) OR 2 (two) is a single competitor. 

It is important to communicate this with athletes so that they know whether or not they must find a match the morning of competition (in the holding area). Any competitor with numbers in the 300s or 400s either day means that they have a competitor and will have a regular match. For Friday matches, any competitor with numbers in the 200s also has a regular match.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Instructor Courtney or Master Park for clarification.